
HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH

Favoritenstraße 4-6/13
A-1040 Wien, Österreich
Tel: +43/1/890 99 55

FN 505724 m, Handelsgericht Wien
UID: ATU 74145757

P-Code: P132460

HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH is a limited liability law firm under Austrian law with its registered office in Vienna. HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH is subject to the relevant professional code of conduct (RAO, RL-BA) and the supervision of the Vienna Bar Association.
Purpose of the company: Practising law, including the necessary ancillary activities, and managing the company’s assets (§ 21c Z 6 RAO)

The website is intended as a communication and information medium for clients and legally interested persons or companies and provides information about HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH and any current legal information.

The photos used on the website and the HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH logo are subject to copyright. Any use, publication or other use without the express prior written permission of HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH is prohibited. HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH reserves the right to take legal action in the event of infringement. With regard to the portrait photos used on the website, reference is made to the copyright of Fotostudio HUGER.

© 2019-2021 HUGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH

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